25 Bach Duets from the Cantatas

Everybody wants to own Bach!
Here is a way to come into contact with genuine Bach cello writing without dealing with those painful editions of the cello suites or trying to master the magnificent gamba sonatas which are never quite “right” for the cello.Transcriptions of Bach cantata arias for intermediate to advanced level cellists. Players of other bass clef instruments such as contrabass, bassoon, trombone, French horn, tuba, and bass clarinet have found this book useful and gratifying.
The revised edition features music Fred Sherry wrote for Cello I to play during the rests that occur in all the duets except Nos. 1 and 25. This music is designed to take the place of what would be the right hand of the keyboard in the continuo section. With the addition of the extra material these duets are suitable for concerts.
The chorale tunes that accompany Nos. 16, 17 and 25 are included as an insert to the performance score, they can be played on any instrument comfortable in the treble clef.
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